Eviction protections for renters will extend beyond June in these locations


Ronel Remy, an organizer with City Life/Vida Urbana, speaks during a “Rally to Stop Evictions and Foreclosures” at the Boston Common Fountain in Boston on Oct. 11, 2020.

Matthew J. Lee | Boston Globe | Getty Images

Another way tenants may find themselves shielded from eviction is if they’ve applied for or received rental assistance from the $45 billion pot of money Congress allocated in the last two major stimulus bills.

In at least 28 states, programs that give out these funds bar landlords from evicting tenants for at least the period they received assistance for, and in some cases for between 30 and 90 days afterward, according to Andrew Aurand, vice president for research at the National Low Income Housing Coalition. Ask any program you received rental assistance from about your rights.

In Minnesota, lawmakers just struck a deal prohibiting the eviction of any renters who are in the process of applying for rental assistance. That protection will last for 12 months, until June 2022.

Tenants in Nevada also can’t be forced out if their rental assistance application is pending or if their landlord refuses to accept the aid. 

Are you at risk of eviction? If you’re willing to share your story for an upcoming article, please email me at annie.nova@nbcuni.com

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