How Death Scene Cleanup Service Technicians Handle a Crime Scene Cleanup


Well, crime death scene cleanup service Southeast MO happens to be a service that many people don’t realize exists. That is, until an unfortunate incident strikes and people have to call out to them to deal with the mess.

That’s when they feel the need to seek help from a group of strong-stomached, steel-nerved individuals. While many in the industry refer to them as trauma and biohazard scene remediation experts, you can call them crime scene technicians.

After all, death is messy, literally and figuratively, regardless of how it is bandied. It ends up taking a toll on one’s mental health. Moreover, the prospect of cleaning the aftermath can prove to be both physically exhausting and emotionally shattering.

The late 90’s

Most of us know what we know about a crime scene through TV shows like CSI. We all must have come across police officers and investigators at the scene of a crime. They will question individuals, check the victim, gather evidence, and finally close the scene by removing the body. What you don’t see on TV, however, is the police cleaning up the body. This is because if there is one thing that professionals don’t do, it’s clear the scene!

However, times have changed. Gone are the days until the early 90s, it was the victim’s family’s responsibility to deal and clean up all the mess. It wasn’t as if the industry never existed per se; it was just that there weren’t many who would handle this kind of job. As a result, the victim’s family had to do it independently – amidst all the shock and grief.

The late ’90s, however, witnessed the birth of this new industry on a whole new level. It was given the name of “crime and trauma scene cleanup.” Mopping up a crime scene is one horrific task, one that requires grit and valor.

Other than this, this job is not meant for the faint-hearted. It requires sound training and significant specialist knowledge to complete the job properly.

How do they deal with the death scene cleanup?

Crime scene technicians arrive with an enormous set of gear. After analyzing the damage, they decide what tools will come in handy to return the site to its pre-incident condition. The gear they choose from typically includes:

  • Protective gear, which is a non-porous suit meant for one-time use
  • Biohazard waste containers and bags
  • Cleaning supplies, such as mops, buckets, sponges, and brushes
  • Ozone machine
  • Enzyme solvent to kill bacteria
  • Shovels

Cleaning up can last for one hour to 50 hours or even more. It is largely dependent on the trauma type in addition to the biohazardous material present at the site. To make sure the site is squeaky clean and disinfected, cleaners use hospital-grade disinfectants to scrub the site. Also, crime scene technicians have to track and burn down any maggots scooted out of the body since they carry pathogens.

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